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Featuring Lynn Young, Founder


Lowcountry Orphan Relief, Inc. (LOR) was founded by Lynn Young, inspired by her work as a Guardian Ad Litem in the South Carolina court system, where she advocated for the rights of abused and abandoned children. The South Carolina court system often took weeks to process cases, leaving children in uncertain circumstances without basic necessities such as clothing, toiletries, and school supplies.  Witnessing firsthand the dire situations these children faced, Lynn was moved to create an organization that would help restore their dignity, self-esteem, and sense of hope.


In 2003, Lynn established Lowcountry Orphan Relief from her home, which later expanded to a storage facility as the organization grew. LOR officially became a 501(c)(3) nonprofit in 2007, serving children throughout the Lowcountry. In 2013, LOR further expanded its operations by building a two-story Distribution Center to manage and process the growing inventory of essential items provided in care kits.


A cornerstone of LOR’s efforts is the Care Kit program. When children are removed from unsafe homes, they often arrive at new placements with only the clothes they are wearing. LOR assembles personalized Care Kits, which includes clothing, toiletries, school supplies, and other necessities tailored to each child's needs. These kits are distributed through schools, social services, and foster care systems, ensuring that children receive essential items during challenging transitions.​​


In 2015, LOR launched the Just in Case Closet program. These emergency supply closets, located in Title One schools across the Lowcountry, provide immediate access to clothing and essentials. By offering these resources directly in schools and community centers, LOR helps children focus on their education and well-being without worrying about basic needs.


In recognition of her extraordinary contributions, the Governor of South Carolina awarded Lynn Young the Order of the Palmetto on May 25, 2023, the highest civilian honor in the State.


Today, LOR's reach extends up the I-26 corridor to Columbia, South Carolina, and surrounding counties through the establishment of a second distribution center, Midlands Orphan Relief.

We believe all children deserve to​ be protected, loved, and nurtured.

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